On March 27, 2023, a fire occurred at an immigration detention center in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, which is across the US/MX border from El Paso, Texas. The fire killed 40 people and left 27 others seriously injured. The Missionary Society of St. Columban, a JFI member organization, responded to this injustice by mourning the victims and condemning the Mexico and the United States’ unjust immigration system that created the conditions for this senseless violence to occur in the first place.
The following day Columban priest Fr. Bill Morton recorded his thoughts on the fire, the violence committed against migrants, and every person’s duty to ask how they are responsible for injustices like these. Please take a moment to listen to his powerful testimony.
Please visit the Columban’s website to learn more about their work with migrants and other vulnerable populations.
“People speak out and they cry out about certain social issues, but the issue of immigration, senseless death, corruption, abusive human rights, nobody’s seems to be that worried.”

Fr. Bill Morton visiting and blessing migrants on Easter Sunday.